Friday, August 24, 2012

GenCon Photos

In line with my 3 1/2 Time Outs post from August 14th I have to share my GenCon photos. Because that's one of my favorite things to do is photography! Especially when it is of the gamer, fantasy, cosplay, etc kind of nature.

Through my lens, this was GenCon:

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

3.5 Time-Outs: G33k@z0!d

I blame my friend Jennifer Fitz, who hosts her blog "Riparians at the Gate," which in turn can blame Mr Larry D of the infamous "Acts of the Apostasy" blog, for my first stab at 3.5 Tuesday post.

And I don't have a clever photo like Jen so Im stealing borrowing Larry D's for now.

This is my first 3.5 post, so please let me know if I am doing it wrong. Or is it like eating a Reeses peanut butter cup? I do feel like Im clueless even though I've been paying attention for some time. It reminds me of silly games kids made up when we were at summer camp or riding the activity bus. The ones that kept you guessing how to play and slowly as other people figured it out but I always felt like I never figured it out.

Work has me in Indianapolis, IN for two weeks. Usually I don't plan ahead of time what to do and just fall back on museums, generic sightseeing and/or what I like to call foodseeing. I guess I fell into the category of just assuming it was a fly over state like the Jason Aldeen song. When I landed at Indianapolis International I saw advertisements for GenCon Indy. Quick search had me reeling at the fun I could have this weekend. I will be getting in touch with my uber geek side because Ive registered for: (PFS) Pathfinder Society GM (Game Master) 101 Workshop part 1: GM Basics, PFS GM Workshop part 2: Practice Makes Perfect, Pathfiner RPG Rules Q&A, be one of the first to see JourneyQuest: Season 2, watch Transolar Galatica, and Ive signed up to also watch whatever it is they plan to air on the SciFi Short Film track and Horror Short Film track. Uber g33k. 

I can't dance...not even the Macarena. I do however enjoy Just Dance 3 for Xbox 360's Kinect. But despite the gift of two left feet am I learning, via youtube tutorials and chatting online, to dance a version of the "Star Spangled Man", from Captain America: The First Avenger movie, with a group of similar costumed gals at DragonCon for the Masquerade competition.

I've been really into sewing lately and making my own wedding dress has given me a lot of confidence. I carefully followed the patterns and tips of the costuming group, dedicated to the USO or dancing girl outfit from the Captain America movie, so I will have my own. Im pretty much done with it all except for

Thursday, January 5, 2012

"The Chicken or the Egg"

This blog post in relation to this article:

"Biological Mom Kept From Child in Lesbian Legal Case"

I had to read this article for a few reasons. First one being out of curiosity of the circumstances and also because this was settled in Florida which I am all too familiar with personally as a non-custodial mother of two.

I have to say this is quite an interesting predicament really... the title definitely makes one wonder how a biological mother can be kept from her child when lesbian/gay marriage in most US states is still under much heated debate. But I kept reading and discovered the unusual circumstances of the whole situation. It actually leads to a very ethical debate... who is really the parent. In Florida family law they do not call it custody anymore but parental sharing. I say whatever to that "concept" (based on personal experience). [Florida Family Law updated in 2008] But it is obvious from this case (and mine) that while the courts don't use the terms "custody" and "primary residence" but they still make decisions that are clearly custodial and giving or taking away those rights in one party altogether. That is at least my opinion.

But here's the deal with this news article.... who is the mother? The woman from whom the egg originated from or the woman who carried the child to term in her womb and gave birth? This is such a perplexing and the answer can create any different consequences given different scenarios.

First, let's say the woman who "supplied" the egg is the rightful mother and should be without a doubt given full custody. What's that to say about woman who donate eggs for other couples to have children? Do they have more rights than the woman who gave birth or what if that couple perish or worse case they do not want the child any more because they are going their separate ways yada yada but lets hope not. Does this mean all parental responsibility falls on the egg donor or can the donor claim such rights? I don't think so in most cases.

Second, the custody is given to the woman who birthed the child but not from her own eggs such as the Florida case. It is unfortunate but in today's world this is what will win (and has) because of one simple thing: the courts have no precedence to view the biological woman as a legal parental guardian. Why is that? Because same gender marriage is not recognized in Florida as well as some other states. Sounds unfair right...but its the truth. That is why the biological mother lost. If you replace the biological mother with a man and provide a marriage certificate then he would have all the parental rights unless voluntarily given up in the court of law.

So you can decide for yourself... should same sex marriage be allowed and recognized in the court of law? (Not the courts of religion?) All I can do is think of the child who is put in the middle of all this. She knows her biological mother but because the courts ruled no custodial/parental rights she will not have any contact without the court ruled parent allowing such. Which we all know doesn't always happen and this in this sad case isn't.